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What a beautiful day!

The morning started out just wonderful. Dressed for a comfortable 50-degree morning run and not to my surprise, I should have dressed for the 65-degree temps when I returned home. Karel left early this morning for his hill ride in San Antonio and I was out the door soon after (around 7am). Feeling good when I wake up is a great thing and I can actually do the workout that I plan to do the night before. I ran 9.5 miles this morning at a slow 9 min/mile pace but that is ok. I am just fine with that. I think with my Ironman mentality, you can give me any destination to run to and with good running form, enough energy and no injuries I can keep running and running. The ironman really teaches you to "just make it" so you pick out light poles, streets or trees to run to and then you tell yourself it will be ok to stop or slow down. Do we ever stop or slow down??? Probably not, but the mental games really keep you going. This morning I didn't need any mental games. I had my radio and I just got in my zone and ran for an hour and 20 minutes. After a 45 mile ride yesterday my legs felt good but I still jumped on Blue for a little spin. I like to ride my run route after I run but it always seems to go by SOOOO slow on the bike compared to running. Kinda weird. After a great morning workout the day was looking beautiful outside but even with the windows open and a cool air keeping me awake, the studying was quite boring. I reviewed my medical terminology chapters and studied biology. Ever want to know the difference between a Eukaryotic and a Prokaryotic cell? Didn't think so. I have a super busy day tomorrow with personal training at the park in the am (I love training people outdoors!) then class, then home for lunch and studying, then to the pool for one-on-one swim coaching (love that too!!) and then class in the evening from 7-10. Boo. Tonight I have a meeting at the Y where I work and right after I have a beginner triathlete nutrition chat at 9pm. I get to answer people's nutrition questions in a chat room on I just love the questions people ask me!
So I am seriously writing so that I don't have to look at my books anymore. Karel is outside washing his bike and I am hoping that he cleans mine as well (maybe if I put it by the door he will get the hint :) hehe. By the way, Karel did amazing at his training race. Without a warm-up due to rain, his team worked well together during the crit and although there was a 4-man breakaway, Karel won the sprint for his team and came in 5th. Great job Karel! I can't wait for future exciting!