Just taking a little break from studying. My life is nothing but dietetics. I am really learning a lot but is a lot of work. More work than I ever imagined. I now have quizzes every Fri AND Mon with the new Monday quizzes being RD exam-specific material. I guess with my binder assignments/projects, weekly readings and weekly Fri quizzes, my goal was to just get through the internship, soaking it up and passing my rotations and then prep for the RD exam. I suppose this is a more efficient method of studying for the RD exam but I just don't know how to squeeze in any more hours into my day. After a chilly group ride (3 hours) and 2 Campy miles, I rested on the couch while eating breakfast (after my recovery smoothie) and managed to watch one of my MANY recordings on my DVR. Not sure why I am recording so many shows but I guess I am saving them for a rainy day...or more like May 1st. That's ok, my reality shows on the DVR make it easy for me to be on the trainer at 5am on Tues and...
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 20 x Ironman finisher, 3x XTRI finisher, 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 32-year Vegetarian. Trimarnicoach.com