Over the past few years, I've found that each season can be clearly defined by a theme or mantra. In 2022 it was seeking change. In 2021 it was don't give up, keep showing up. In 2020 it was never take anything for granted. When thinking about 2023, the year was all about a pursuit of self-development. Our racing season involved a lot of travel, ultra distance events and new locations. With so many different events, this could have brought on great fear, anxiety and worry, but instead, I felt great excitement for the unknown. 2023 wasn't about specific outcomes, places or times but rather it was all about self-discovery. Every race was an opportunity to improve our self-awareness, skills and strengths. Without even realizing it, the entire season was an opportunity to help us discover our fullest potential. Unlike events/races in the past, our 2023 events had an uncertainty component to each of them. There was no guarantee that we w...
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 20 x Ironman finisher, 3x XTRI finisher, 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 32-year Vegetarian. Trimarnicoach.com