Today came and went. 6am I didn't want to leave our place. Karel was fast asleep but I made my way to the Y with my coffee in hand. A 15 walk on the treadmill hardly woke me up but after a few hip and ab exercises I was on my way to the pool for a swim coaching session. It was 8:30am when I left the Y and I was still a little sleepy. Off to the DMV to turn in some papers and then straight to school. 1 hour of studying in the library and then to class at 11-12:15am. Back home for lunch and a brief chat with Karel as I start working on an Iron Girl article. I barely made it to 2 and I had to lay down. I guess with the increase in training volume (and intensity) I am in need of a little more sleep. I've been really good at getting into bed before 10 (around 9:20 the last couple of nights) but I think I need a few extra naps during the week and especially on the weekends. I woke up semi-refreshed after a 30 minute nap but then it was time for another swim coaching session. 4-5pm went by super fast and we had a great time in the water. I've been working with a guy, Gary, who incredibly dropped 3 minutes in his swim a few weeks ago at the Orlando Wildman olympic distance tri and with efficient swimming, he also dropped 9 minutes in his bike. He is 60 and hoping to qualify for Nationals so I am super excited to see how he does in Clermont on April 6th. So, into the shower to get warm since I have had trouble getting warm all day (it's getting cool here in Florida, 40's tonight!). After the shower I made a quick stop at Walgreens and then to the library again for my 7pm evening class. Thank goodness that we got out of class early tonight and I was able to get home before 9:30pm. Phew...the day is finally over and as Karel sits watching a movie, I am heading to bed to get ready for Interval Tuesday! Good night!
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 20 x Ironman finisher, 3x XTRI finisher, 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 32-year Vegetarian.