Welcome to another week and a new month in 2012!!! Hopefully you are making the most of your days and finding that right "balance" to meet your nutrition, health, performance and lifestyle goals. Don't let life slip on by..be sure you are taking the time every day to relax and reflect.
The other day I mentioned that I had a few references for info on my website, specifically in regard to being a more educated consumer and better fueled athlete. You can find them here at Trimarnicoach.com, click MEDIA section and then you can search around.
In case you missed it, my latest column articles are out for Iron Girl and LAVA magazine.
From Ironman on Facebook:
"If you struggle to lose weight, change your body composition (despite training vigorously), or have trouble feeling satisfied during the day, constantly battling cravings for sugar, chromium may be your answer. Here's an article from Lava Magazine about the importance of this mineral"
Plates Not Pills: Chromium : LAVA Magazine
Speaking of social media, head over to facebook and Twitter and LIKE the Trimarni Coaching and Nutrition Facebook page and follow me at TRIMARNICOACH on Twitter. In the case that I am not blogging daily, you can get your daily dose of inspiration, motivation and education on either of my pages.
In the Iron Girl newsletter, you will find my column which is mostly dedicated to daily and/or sport nutrition. Here I discuss my view on personalized sport nutrition
Lastly, if you have not seen this video yet, I highly recommend watching it with an open mind. I watched this on 60 minutes on Sunday and couldn't wait to share it with you all when it was posted on the internet.
Once a daily ice cream, sandwich thin, Special K cereal, flavored yogurt and fiber one eater, there was a time when I was wrapped up in the idea of controlling "calories" (regardless of food source) versus understanding (or feeling comfortable with) the power of "whole food".
As an endurance athlete who was dating an experienced cyclist (born in Czech with a different style of eating compared to Americans), I felt as if I was getting no where with my performance and health goals. I was trying so hard to control calories (and excuse my "cravings") alongside a constant struggle of "what am I doing wrong in my diet" despite being a competitive athlete.
So, 6 or 7 years ago, I started my journey of a more "real" food diet. Not going on a diet, not having an off-limit but rather learning to develop a healthy relationship with food and my body, I started making small changes. Changes that I could do on that day, just trying to realistic and practical.
Sure, it took a while for my body and mind to adjust and probably longer than many would like to accept as most people want quick fixes. But now I am in a better place. Food is fueling my lifestyle and there isn't a day where I don't thank my body for what it allows me to do. It's easy to compare my body to the past but as I age, I recognize that my body is allowed to change. For with a change in body comes dozens of PR's and finishing lines as my body is only getting smarter, faster and healthier.
Based on my experience and education, I am able to help others reach their personal performance and body composition goals whether it is through training/exercise or nutrition (typically, they go together). My journey took years and years but now I have the tool set to help others learn how to start their own journey (in a quicker time frame) of learning how to eat for fuel and for health.
Any questions, send me an email trimarnicoaching@gmail.com