Source The human body is complex when it comes to metabolism but there is no reason why you can't make a complicated topic easy to understand. My classes in graduate school were overwhelming to say the least but I loved how much I was learning about the human body relating to exercise. Cardio physiology Adv Exercise phsyiology Lab methods Respiratory physiology A few of my favorite classes. Because now I divide my attention between working with athletes and fitness enthusiasts on training and coaching and seeing patients in the hospital, I feel my brain really gets a good understanding of the "healthy" body versus the body that is compromised. It is also overloaded at times which makes for great sleep when I can turn off my brain. When I am in the hospital, I learn a lot about the human body and I see a lot. I am amazed by what a sick body can do and I feel that makes me appreciate a body that is otherwise healthy and normal. I feel many people disrespect
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 2017 IM CHOO Amateur Female Champion, 19xIronman finisher including 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 30-year