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Showing posts from January 3, 2016

The dieting athlete?

It seems like every day there is a new diet telling us what not to eat and a scientific article for reference, a nutrition expert, doctor or personal trainer touting a diet plan, a book, blog or website telling us what foods are destroying out heal and a food company excited to grab the market share by introducing a new “healthy” re-engineered processed food alternative which has the opportunity to be highly profitable.  Whether it’s lack of confidence, common sense, passion or effort for healthy eating, much of our society relies on diet plans as the best way to lose weight or to improve health. We all know why people struggle with food and body weight. It's not so much because people are eating too many vegetables, eating healthy fats and quality proteins, consuming grains like buckwheat, quinoa and wild rice and eating lentils and beans. In defense of carbs, we know very plain and clear that added sugar, soda's, processed and fast food are to blame.  In America, eati...

Fit AND healthy

Great performances are built on great health. If you are carelessly eating whatever you want or intentionally restricting energy and fluids before/during and after your workouts, in an your attempt to improve performance, you could actually find yourself becoming less healthy. You can't expect to train your way to great fitness and live an unhealthy lifestyle. Sure, you may not smoke, eat fast food all day or drink excessively but how are your dietary choices enhancing your health? Great health is the foundation to great performances.  As it relates to  healthy living and healthy eating, how much time you devote to getting fit compared to how much time you devote to improving your health?  Don’t assume that both are correlated as many times, they are not. You can be very fit but also very unhealthy.    In the February 2016 issue of Triathlete Magazine, you can check out two pages (Pg. 68-69) of my nutrition tips relating to fueling your body for ...

Happy meal.....salad

With so many food options available to consumers, there's really no reason why meal time should be an unhappy time.  If we ever eat together, you'll notice that I yum a lot. Food makes me happy, especially when it is real food. I love the taste when ingredients come together and I love exciting my taste buds with new or recently introduced ingredients end up on my plate.  Almost every day, I make myself a salad for lunch. Occasionally it is a warm salad (stir-fry) but I typically make a raw salad loaded with vitamins and minerals combined with a grain and vegetarian protein. I find that lunch is the best time for me to load up on veggies as I typically work out in the morning and evening and I don't prefer a lot of roughage after an evening workout and I recover best with a nice mix of carbohydrates (fresh bread, oats, homemade granola, raisins, fruits) and protein (eggs, yogurt or whey protein and milk) for my post workout morning meal. (I always eat before ...

Upcoming speaking event: Which diet should you follow?

Are you wanting to lose 15+ lbs before your key race this season? Are you looking to change your diet/fueling in order to maximize your short distance or long distance racing performance? Do you struggle with your body image or relationship with food? Do you struggle to maintain a healthy body composition while training for long distance events? Do you experience GI issues, fatigue, headaches or low blood sugar symptoms while training/racing? Are you confused as to how to eat and fuel to stay healthy as an athlete? Are you overwhelmed with all of the diet, nutrition, fueling and eating advice you hear/read and want to understand what will work best for you as an athlete? If you answered YES to any of these questions, I invite you to come to my FREE talk at  Run In  in Greenville, SC on Monday January 11th, 2016 at 6:15pm.  If you are able to attend this talk, my goal is to help you better understand how to eat and fuel smarter as an athlet...

Are you training for a triathlon in 2016?

Do you have a triathlon goal for 2016?  Are you registered for your first Olympic, Half or Full Ironman distance triathlon in 2016?  Are you looking to improve your skills, endurance, strength and overall fitness throughout your racing season to see what you are capable of achieving at your key race in 2016? Are you serious about your training and want a smart training plan to follow to see what your body is capable of achieving in 2016? ------------------- If so, we created our (NEW) 20-week Trimarni training plans with YOU in mind.  As accomplished endurance triathletes and devoted coaches, we understand the physiological and nutritional needs of endurance triathlon training and racing. We love coaching athletes of all fitness levels. All we ask is that you have a goal and a race in mind, you enjoy the developmental process of training, you want to excel on race day and you are committed to training smart, working hard and keeping your body in good ...