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Showing posts from April 4, 2021

How to stop pre-race body bashing behaviors

Can you relate to any of the following body bashing behaviors?  Feeling "too fat" as you try on your race day outfit.  Seeing an image of a certain part of your body makes you feel "disgusting." Doubting your race day abilities because your stomach is "too big." Weighing yourself on the bathroom scale and feeling immediate distress over your weight. If you can identify with any of the body, you are likely struggling with poor body image and this can sabotage your race day performance. In each of the above scenarios is an athlete who believes one of two things: That looking differently will improve athletic success or a current look is the reason for lack of athletic success. Despite putting in the training and being physically prepared for an event, actual acceptance of one-self can be a major athletic limiter. Inside, you have internalized feelings of being inadequate because of poor body image. Poor body image can wreak havoc on performance, physical hea

Effects of alcohol in your body

Our culture has an interesting relationship with alcohol. It's often used as a way to unwind after a busy day, cope during hard times, and as a way to celebrate or socialize. Despite the fact that alcohol is addictive and dangerous (contributing to countless injuries, mental and physical health issues and deaths), alcohol is normalized in so many societies around the world. From "mommy juice" to a way to relax or celebrate, alcohol is advertised, touted and consumed in ways that you wouldn't see with any other drug. Even though alcohol is a drug, it's extremely accessible and as socially acceptable as drinking water. With almost every social function, you are likely to find an assortment of alcoholic beverages, or you may even expect that alcohol will be present and available. You see alcohol being consumed at sporting events and in post workout pictures. Beer is a popular beverage consumed after exercise/physical activity. It's a way to celebrate, relax and q

2021 Trimarni 3-day spring training camp recap

After eight years and 14+ group triathlon camps, we have learned the importance of having a plan B. Whether it's for rain, snow, a cancelled reservation or some other type of unforeseen circumstance, we have learned that things will not always go as planned. Over the years, we have been rather creative with our plan B scenarios. At our group camp in Clermont, FL last year (just before the pandemic took over), we came up with a long bike/run workout for our 20 campers, in place of our scheduled Olympic distance race that got cancelled at the last minute. In April 2019, rain forced us to change up our planned triathlon practice workout for the last day of camp. Instead, our campers had a great group run workout followed by a swim at Furman (with some fun relays). In March of 2018, weather turned our long ride into a morning indoor workout of strength and relays - let's just say that our campers may have enjoyed it a bit too much as there were so many laughs. After the workout, th