BOGO 50% OFF SALE until 12/13/19!!! Buy one bag of Custom Blend & Get one bag of Custom 50% Off USE CODE: THESALE19 Not only do you get one bag 50% off now.. but you also get one bag 50% off in 2020! Free Shipping on Orders $125+ Valid on 12 and 25 serving bags. If you would like to try out the custom formula that I created and often recommend for my coaching and nutrition athletes to utilize on the bike in long distance training/racing (male/female/ any weight/height), INFINIT is having a fantastic sale off custom orders. The preset flavor for the endurance base formula is grape so I you like that flavor, you can just click this link to order ➡️ Trimarni endurance base formula . If you would like to change the flavor of my Trimarni endurance base formula , here is the nutritional information (and sliders) from my custom formula so that that you can recreate the exact Trimarni endurance base formula choose your own flavor. Although I like the...
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 2017 IM CHOO Amateur Female Champion, 19xIronman finisher including 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 30-year