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Showing posts from February 12, 2017

More Run Fast Eat Slow recipes - Yummy carbs!

I can't believe it. We are now under 4 weeks away from the start of our first Trimarni camp of 2017 in Clermont, FL, which means that we will be racing our first triathlon of the season (Olympic distance) in just 4 weeks! And then three weeks later, Karel and I will be returning back to Florida to race the Ironman Haines City 70.3 event as our first endurance event of 2017. To keep us well fueled, healthy and happy, I have been keeping our house filled with carbohydrates. In addition to making sure that our fridge always has some type of cooked grain/rice/potato assortment in it, I've been making good use of my Run Fast Eat Slow cookbook as there are so many delicious recipes that are perfect for helping us meet our daily carb intake. Plus, we love carbs so it's not that difficult for me to get excited to make something new. I tried out two new recipes from the cookbook and I think you will just love them. Of course, I had to make another loaf of the banana bread. En...

Athlete Spotlight: Angela Bancroft - Family first but never give up your drive to tri

Name : Angela Bancroft Age:  47 City/State: Paris, Maine Primary sport : Triathlon How many years in the sport: 11 What Trimarni services have you used: Nutrition consult. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Describe your athletic background and how you discovered your current sport? At the age of 8, I joined my first swim team and was instantly hooked on swimming and racing. I swam competitively through High School and in college at The University of Vermont. I also ran track and Cross-Country in High School. When my swimming career ended after I graduated at UVM, I ran to stay in shape. That evolved into racing short road races and marathons as well. In 1994 I raced my first marathon and qualified for and raced The Boston Marathon. I have raced 15 marathons since that time. In 2005, I was a young mother of 3 sons ( ages 6, 4 and 1) and my hunger for racing returned. My brother had entered a few triathl...

Eat To Thrive: Is your relationship with food/body affecting your athletic performance?

         In our recent interview with the  Intelligent Racer Podcast, I talked about my passion for helping athletes with nutrition. A lot of my nutrition counseling is helping athletes with the application of using food and sport nutrition properly in order to improve health and performance. But another aspect of my nutrition services is helping athletes overcome an unhealthy relationship with food and the body in order to improve athletic performance, health and quality of life.  From my experience, by improving your relationship with your body, you can actually improve your relationship with food, which will enhance your athletic performance. When you begin to thank your body (instead of bashing it), respect your body (instead of starving or overexercising it) and appreciate your body (instead of wishing you looked differently), you begin to make better lifestyle choices that actually promote health and performance. It is through these c...

Intelligent Racer Podcast - Listen to our first interview together!

For the first time ever, I am so thrilled to announce that Karel and I recently had our first interview together. We talk about our athletic backgrounds, our favorite race courses, a bit about our coaching and nutrition business and our best advice for athletes when wanting to experience improvements and excel on race day. As the public speaker of our house, I'm usually the one speaking in front of others on behalf of Trimarni. When I was asked by Adam, who is a Trimarni athlete and host of  Intelligent Racer Podcast , to be interviewed for this podcast, I knew that Karel needed to be part of this podcast with me as he has so much life, career and athletic experience to offer athletes. For those who know Karel, he is a great sarcastic/funny side to him but he is always upfront, honest, truthful and to the point with his advice. Plus, he is my business partner, training partner and life partner so it was only natural that he would join me on this podcast. We met 11 years ago ...

Weekend training - training hard & fueling smart

There's a lot of training that happens between Monday AM and Friday PM but most of my training pictures happen over the weekend so that is why I am having so much fun sharing my weekend workouts with you. The weekend started on Saturday morning when we woke up around 6:30 am without an alarm (only a cat alarm) and it wasn't until 9am until we made it outside as we had a few things to get done on the computer first. I enjoyed two mega sized  Trmarni pre-workout pancakes  loaded with maple syrup, some peanut butter and homemade granola, alongside a side of Sigi strawberry yogurt with a cup of coffee w/ water (I'm a one small cup of coffee a day girl). Karel had oatmeal w/ fruit and yogurt and a homemade orange cranberry scone with his double shot espresso (Karel is European and loves his coffee - let's just leave it at that :) It felt SO good to ride outside in only arm warmers, light gloves, a base layer shirt, my cycling jersey and cycling shorts. It was around 50...