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Showing posts from October 9, 2022

2023 Trimarni Coaching - Apply Now

It's that time of the year where you may be looking into a new coach or different training methodology to help you prepare for your 2023 races.  Coaching isn't just about training. Coaching isn't about the training plan. It's about building a healthy coach-athlete relationship.  The coach-athlete relationship is a partnership.  You are not our client. You are our athlete.  And you are much more than an athlete, you are an incredible human being.  For our coach-athlete relationship to work, you need to understand us and we need to understand you. We are willing to put in the work. But we cannot work independently of you. As the athlete, you must be willing and ready to be in a partnership.  How can we help you get the most out of your triathlon journey?  We take our job as "coach" very seriously.  We respect you. We listen. We are available. We communicate. We support you. We believe in you.  At Trimarni, we want you to maintain the same passion for the sport a

For the Coaches - when an athlete wants to lose weight

  With so many ways to enhance performance and to optimize health, two of the most popular sought-after strategies include diet and body composition changes. When done correctly, performance may improve. However, it’s not uncommon for athletes to engage in unhealthy weight control methods, resulting in great emotional and physical consequences. Whether for aesthetics, competitive leanness, body dissatisfaction or in pursuit of an ideal “race weight,” athletes often place unrealistic expectations on performance and their bodies. What may start as an innocent attempt to lean-up or to lose a few pounds, can easily spiral out of control, undermining health, training, recovery, performance and mental well-being. If you are a coach, you have a responsibility to take care of your athlete - physically, emotionally and mentally.  When your athlete feels pressure to achieve a leaner body composition, an increased fascination with nutrition, body fat, weight and calories can develop into an unhea

World Mental Health Day - PMDD

  Today is World Mental Health Day. A day " to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. " According to the World Health Orginzation, stigma and discrimination continue to be a barrier to social inclusion and access to the right care. We can all play a part by talking about mental illnesses without stigma, learning more about the conditions that affect millions of people very year, improving the affordability and quality of mental health care and raising awareness about which mental health interventions work.                                                                              ----------------- It was the winter of 2014. A few months prior we moved from Jacksonville, FL to Greenville, SC This was my first "real" winter after spending over 10 years in warm and sunny Florida. My dad had recently passed away after a 10-month battle with stage IV cancer.  Throughout this time, I noticed that aro

'22 Xterra World Championship Molveno, Italy

We started our triathlon season five months ago in St. George, Utah at the Ironman World Championship. Yesterday we finished our season in Molveno, Italy at the Xterra World Championship. Karel is absolutely loving the transition to off-road racing as he thrives in unpredictable, testing and challenging scenarios. As for myself, I'm feeling very unsure of myself - which is a big change from the predictability and confidence that I experienced after 16 years of long distance triathlon racing. While I'm proud of what I accomplished yesterday in 62-degree water conditions, 48-degree air temp and through deep mud on slippery roots and rocks, steep slick downhills, around very competitive and skilled riders, navigating pitchy climbs and a handful more new first time experiences, it would be wrong of me to not mention how nervous I was for all of these first-time experiences. Trying something new means that I may fail, struggle, look silly and embarrass myself. On the night before t