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Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Veggie bean and rice stir-fry

Yesterday was my LAST day of Long Term Care. I can't believe how much information I learned, how many different conditions I saw and how much I still have to learn! In around 8 hours, we saw 18 residents at the nursing home!! WOW-talk about a busy last day! In contrast from the first week of Long Term Care (5 weeks ago), I feel much more comfortable charting on residents. I know where to look for information in the charts, I can 80% read the handwriting in nursing and physician notes and I can recognize several medications based on disease conditions. Monday is going to be a life-changing day. Well, the next 13-weeks are going to amazing but Monday starts it all. I can't believe it is time to start my last part of my dietetic internship! It's time to buy a lab coat because I am heading to St. Vincent's Hospital to be a acute care dietitian! I can only imagine what I am going to see and do while I intern at the hospital and I am ready for it all! I think it is so neat th

Breakfast for dinner

Swimming early in the morning always makes me dream of yummy breakfast creations. There is something about a 6am swim, with all of my friends (and amazing Master swim coach Lindsey) that makes me happy...and with a tummy for comforting breakfast foods. This morning pooped me do many of my master swims. Although a swimmer in college (200 butterfly, 200 IM and 100 breastroke) I only have dreams of swimming as fast as I did when I was in my late teens and early 20's. Now I am a triathlete (and wife) so I must balance swimming with everything else in my life. However, my love for swimming is greater than ever. Sometimes I lay in bed, watching the fish in our bedroom 30-gallon fish tank, wishing I could be like them and swim all day. Swim and eat, swim and eat. What a life! So, I have had my eye on the "fast" lane for the past 2 years and it was only a matter of time that I was told to try to swim with the fast boys and Mallory (my good friend). Over the past month, I

Quick Studies

I was just told by a friend of mine that the 2010 IMWI Kona qualifiers (for Kona 2011) were featured on So many amazing memories just rushed back into my well as a few painful ones! Just cleaning up my stack of magazines and came across my July/Aug 2010 issue of Nutrition Action Thought I'd provide a few quick studies that were listed on pg 8. of the magazine. Enjoy! Sleep More, Eat Less Wondering why you're so hungry? Maybe it's because you're not getting enough sleep. Researchers allowed 12 healthy young lean men to sleep for either four or eight hours in a laboratory. After one night of four hours of sleep, the men ate 22 percent more calories the next day than they did after eight hours. They also reported being more hungry before breakfast and dinner. In a separate study, scientists found that a single night with only four hours of sleep led to insulin resistance in nine healthy lean men and women in their 40s.

Raising Healthy Eaters

While I was interning one day last week, I picked up our local Health Magazine called Natural Awakenings . I came across an article written by Leannette Lee Bessinger (award winning lifestyle and nutrition educator) and Tracee Yablon Brenner, a RD who founded Although my children all have fur and four legs, I think many parents would agree that it is hard to raise healthy eaters. Regardless if you are trying to adapt more heart-healthy eating habits (alongside daily physical activity), it's tough to want to eat fruits and veggies when "all the other kids get to eat whatever they want". I remember my childhood. Lots of candy. I became a vegetarian at the age of 12 but my diet didn't reflect heart healthy eating. My diet was filled with pasta, pizza (bagel bites), cheese, bagels, soda and more cheese and every now and then an ice berg salad drenched in ranch dressing. While my healthy relationship with food, alongside heart-healthy vegetarian habits t

Tofu salad w/ brown rice

What a weekend. My eyes are heavy.....despite getting 9 1/2 hrs of sleep last night. To take me away from my studying life, I had several athletes racing this weekend. Talk about a quick adrenaline rush, after my 15 mile run this am (1 hr and 55 min) I anxiously waited for two of my athletes to text me. the middle of my studying, I received a text from each Lisa and Taryn letting me know that they both PR'd in the Rock N' Roll half marathon in Arizona this morning! Congrats to Taryn for breaking 2 hours (1:56) and to Lisa for a 30-min PR (2:06). Talk about putting the training to the test. Way to go girls! In the south, Gary had a 10K PR! At the young age of 62, Gary amazes me after every training session and race. With an official time of 49:55, for a 8:02 mile/pace, Gary finally broke the 50 min 10K time! Congrats Gary, Taryn and Lisa!! Oh...also a BIG congrats to Ange (Angela Bancroft) for running a 3:10 marathon this weekend!! Ange was the first person I worke