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Showing posts from March 7, 2021

Happy RD Day to the trusted experts

  To be sure you are always getting accurate, credible and safe nutrition advice, your go-to expert should always be a Registered Dietitian. From the media to magazines to articles and books, nutrition advice is everywhere. Unfortunately, not everyone is a credible nutrition expert. Becoming a Registered Dietitian is a time-consuming, challenging process that involves obtaining the proper education and experience through approved, accredited programs. After completing coursework approved by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, the next step is to apply to an accredited dietetic internship. Dietetic internships are extremely competitive and immediate acceptance is not easy (~50% acceptance rate). Internships are usually unpaid, and require tuition. Upon acceptance, 1200 hours of supervised practice in the areas of community nutrition, food service and clinical nutrition must be fulfilled before being eligible to sit for the Registered Dietitian exam. The l

Why you need to stop complimenting appearance or body image.

We hear it all the time. If an athlete weighs less or changes body composition, performance will improve. We must stop assuming that an image is correlated with performance, health and mental well-being. When I work with athletes (coaching or nutrition), I always consider the possible outcomes of my advice. I do this through getting to know my athletes as much as possible. I listen to my athletes to understand where they are at in their individual journey and their current relationship with food and the body. I explore every outlet possible to help an athlete improve performance and to get the most out of their body, without placing the focus on body size, shape or image.  Many times, athletes will come to me with a weight loss goal and without targeting weight loss, performance improves because we addressed behaviors - not a body image.  While a coach or nutrition expert may mean well by telling an athlete to lose weight or change body composition for a health or performance boost, th

Recap - 2.5 day private training camp

  One of our favorite aspects of our coaching business is private and group training camps. We love the interaction with athletes. We get to help athletes work through mental and physical barriers in a safe way (with a watchful eye) as well as giving athletes a beautiful playground to show off their strengths. It's been a while since our last private camp and I completely forgot how mentally and physically exhausting and incredibly rewarding these camps are. Now that we got a taste of it, we are looking forward to our next (and first "mini" group) camp of 2021 on the 31st.  Since Karel and I have been seeking adventures on our road and gravel bikes, we decided to dust off the tri bikes from the garage. Although we both have a tri bike set-up on our trainers, we haven't rode our Ventum tri bikes outside since the Xtreme Tri in November. It was a bit awkward at first (especially with the howling wind) but with each mile, we felt more comfortable in the aero position. We