BOGO 50% OFF SALE until 12/13/19!!!
Not only do you get one bag 50% off now.. but you also get one bag 50% off in 2020!
Free Shipping on Orders $125+
Valid on 12 and 25 serving bags.
If you would like to try out the custom formula that I created and often recommend for my coaching and nutrition athletes to utilize on the bike in long distance training/racing (male/female/ any weight/height), INFINIT is having a fantastic sale off custom orders. The preset flavor for the endurance base formula is grape so I you like that flavor, you can just click this link to order ➡️ Trimarni endurance base formula.
If you would like to change the flavor of my Trimarni endurance base formula, here is the nutritional information (and sliders) from my custom formula so that that you can recreate the exact Trimarni endurance base formula choose your own flavor. Although I like the grape flavor, my other favorite flavors include Strawberry lemonade (Seasonal), Watermelon, Pink Lemonade and Fruit Punch.
The Trimarni endurance base formula is ONLY used for the bike. Do not concentrate - use 1-2 scoops per bottle per hour. I have a different list of sport nutrition products that I recommend for run training/racing. I do not recommend to add caffeine, aminos or protein to your formula. By keeping this formulation simple (with only electrolytes and carbohydrates/sugars), you will optimize digestion and absorption - limiting the risk for GI issues. This formulation is not overly sweet. Sport nutrition application should not be complicated or scientifically complex - this is why I like INFINIT as it makes fueling on the bike simple and effective.
If you'd like to try out/include different products for your bike nutrition, I also recommend:
- Carborocket Half Evil 333 (Trimarni discount code)
- NBS Carbohydration (Trimarni discount code)
Utilize the winter months to figure out what products/flavors/textures work best for you.