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Quick dinner eats

Are you starving when you come home from work?
Do you have time to make dinner after an evening workout?
Do you even consider cooking a healthy and balanced meal when fast food, processed food, frozen food or canned food is the quickest option to getting something into your stomach and getting your blood sugar back to normal?

Planning healthy and balanced meals is not always easy. However, it does take some planing and thinking ahead. While you could try preparing 4-5 weekday meals on the weekend, it is likely that the weekend is just as busy as your week. Even if you find yourself with less to-do's on the weekend, it is likely that you deserve a little R&R (or training with no responsibilities to follow).

Both Karel and myself have been known to prepare meals well before dinner time. Although I typically do the dinner cooking around 5-6pm (Karel works 'til 7pm so we eat around 7;15-7:30, however, on the weekends we usually eat around 5:30ish), Karel typically makes his lunch before he leaves for his morning training and I sometimes prepare dinner before I start my work for the day.

Here are 4 great options for a healthy and balanced meal to last you a day or two (depending on how much you prepare and how many people in your family). With these healthy options, you can be really versatile with your leftovers and still have balanced and healthy meals.

30 minutes of prep......less than 5 min to prepare.
What's your favorite quick and healthy meal?

Hard-boiled eggs
- I typically boil 6-10 for sandwiches, snacks and salads.
Time: 20 min.

Quinoa - quick and easy. Can be eaten for any meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and you can add nuts, seeds, raisins, seasonings (no-salt) or fruit for variety and lots of taste.
Time: 8-10 min.

Green beans - this was my "green" vegetable for choice but you could also do asparagus, zucchini, eggplant or your favorite.
Time: 8-12 min.

Fruit Salad - I made this while the other foods were cooking on the stove. I added apples, pears, tomatoes, chives, apricots, carrots and tomatoes to a container of (washed) spinach and romaine lettuce. I typically squirt a little lime juice or fresh oranges over the lettuce to keep it from wilting.
Time: 10 min. (due to chopping)
