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Keeping perspective during tough times

During unprecidented times, it can be easy to stop seeing the good in life. Happiness doesn’t replace sadness, fear, worry or anxiety - it can exist alongside it.

Keeping perspective takes practice, but it’s worth it. Remember that life is constantly changing. Things will get better. Keeping things in perspective helps your brain and your body feel safer, calmer, and more optimistic. 

Like many, I feel like I’m on an emotional roller coaster. Although I love to smile and laugh, I still feel stress, uncertainty, worry and fear when I think about the current state of our nation and world. With much out of my control, I believe that this experience will create a greater sense of purpose, meaning and joy for living and more appreciation for our environment. Learning to deal with emotions in a healthy way can make a tremendous difference in our ability to maintain a sense of peace, calm and compassion. Don’t underestimate the benefits of healthy living. While races may be postponed and your exercise resources may look different, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of eating a nourishing diet and getting daily physical activity. Exercise has always been an emotional outlet for me (especially swimming). When I workout, I can feel my mind, body and soul becoming more centered and peaceful. As dismal as the world may feel right now, be sure to give your body and mind the best environment possible to thrive. Continue to stay resilient, courageous, hopeful and optimistic about life and never give up on living a life you love.

Life is continuing and is still full of opportunity. Just different kinds - slower, smaller and requiring a bit more creativity. Through the discomfort of the unknown, pain of failure and overcoming our most trying experiences, realize that everything happens for a reason. With each life lesson we are being prepared for what’s next to come in life. You can’t have the pleasure of success without suffering the pain of defeat. Trust in the timing of the universe. Like the right person coming into your life at the right time, everything will one day make sense.

A simple but extremely effective exercise is to write down the occasions in your life where you overcame seemingly insurmountable difficulties. You may be surprised by the many challenging things in your life that you overcame. As you reflect, this will serve as a reminder of strengths and your ability to overcome challenges while minimizing feelings of helplessness. When going through tough times in life, take note of the things and people that you can be grateful for. No matter your circumstances, life is worth appreciating.

Lastly, you are not alone. You don't have to sort through your feelings and emotions by yourself. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.