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Fueling the athlete - tune in live 1/12/21

Unlock Your Body's Full Potential With Good Nutrition Habits

Hi athletes, weekend warriors and fitness enthusiasts,

When did sport nutrition and nutritious eating become so complicated?

No matter your fitness level, as an athlete, your goal is to fuel your body to optimize your training and racing and to protect your mental and physical health.

In a culture of information intoxication, it's essential to remember that food is your fuel. If you lack an understanding of how to keep your body nourished and fueled or you struggle with your relationship with body image or food, it will be difficult to meet your energy needs. The bottom line is that you can't adapt to training and unlock your body's full potential if you don't fuel properly.

Proper fueling involves following basic sport nutrition guidelines without becoming obsessive over body weight, calories or food. You don't have to achieve a specific body composition or follow a rigid fueling plan to achieve athletic excellence. 

Mark your calendar to watch this live broadcast at Trimarni Coaching and Nutrition with Erin Green today, January 12th, 2021 at 1:30pm EST.

Erin Green is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and former Professional Triathlete. With over 10 years as a practicing RDN with a background in Sports Science, she energetically promotes principles of total wellness as an avenue to a healthful and gratifying way of life. Erin’s philosophy is based on the notion that people must find enjoyment and balance in their lifestyles in order to perpetuate positive changes. Self-care, body kindness and a healthful food relationship are all critical in her nutrition counseling—which goes far beyond the simple what/when to eat.

If you are unable to watch live, you can watch the broadcast at a later time. I will also share on my blog, newsletter and on Instagram.

By watching this broadcast, you agree and acknowledge that Marni and Erin (who are both Licensed Registered Dietitians) are not providing nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in this broadcast is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own medical professional or mental health provider. If you have or suspect that you have a physical or mental health concerns, please contact a medical professional or Registered Dietitian.