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Recovery Day Nutrition

Recovery day = Growth day.

Every athlete will have intentional rest or active recovery days built into the training plan.

Recovery is crucial because it gives the body time to adapt to the previous stressors of training and heal the mind. Recovery also allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues.

On a recovery day, it’s common for athletes to dramatically cut calories or avoid carbohydrates for fear of gaining weight when energy expenditure is low. And for some, the opposite occurs - a rest day is synonymous with “cheat day” and there is permission to eat foods normally off-limit.

Improper nutrition on a recovery day may hinder your development or set you up for a setback due to sickness or illness.

Your recovery day is a day to fuel and nourish your body to become a stronger, more fit and healthy athlete. Remember, high volume/intensity training will cause excessive inflammation, deplete glycogen storage, increase the risk for dehydration and damage tissues and muscles. A light or off day from training may be the only opportunity in the week to strategically consume the right type of foods to maximize recovery before another week of training.