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How to boost your iron intake

With races approaching and training volume/intensity increasing, now is a great time to get your blood tested.

I recommend comprehensive testing at the start of the year and routine blood testing on specific markers (ex. iron panel) every 3-6 months throughout your training cycle. Recognizing individual trends can help you better understand the role of your diet, training and lifestyle choices on your health.

Iron deficiency anemia can be prevented and it's also very treatable. However, most athletes are not diagnosed until health and performance are severely compromised. At this point, it can take several months for the body to return to optimal health.

Routine blood testing from companies like Athlete Blood Test can help you understand what's happening inside your body so that you can train and perform at your full capacity.

While it's never too late to get tested, do yourself a big favor and don't wait until you are sick, injured, burnout, exhausted or struggling with low energy levels to determine if you are dealing with a nutrient deficiency.