Today came and went. 6am I didn't want to leave our place. Karel was fast asleep but I made my way to the Y with my coffee in hand. A 15 walk on the treadmill hardly woke me up but after a few hip and ab exercises I was on my way to the pool for a swim coaching session. It was 8:30am when I left the Y and I was still a little sleepy. Off to the DMV to turn in some papers and then straight to school. 1 hour of studying in the library and then to class at 11-12:15am. Back home for lunch and a brief chat with Karel as I start working on an Iron Girl article. I barely made it to 2 and I had to lay down. I guess with the increase in training volume (and intensity) I am in need of a little more sleep. I've been really good at getting into bed before 10 (around 9:20 the last couple of nights) but I think I need a few extra naps during the week and especially on the weekends. I woke up semi-refreshed after a 30 minute nap but then it was time for another swim coaching session. 4-5pm went by super fast and we had a great time in the water. I've been working with a guy, Gary, who incredibly dropped 3 minutes in his swim a few weeks ago at the Orlando Wildman olympic distance tri and with efficient swimming, he also dropped 9 minutes in his bike. He is 60 and hoping to qualify for Nationals so I am super excited to see how he does in Clermont on April 6th. So, into the shower to get warm since I have had trouble getting warm all day (it's getting cool here in Florida, 40's tonight!). After the shower I made a quick stop at Walgreens and then to the library again for my 7pm evening class. Thank goodness that we got out of class early tonight and I was able to get home before 9:30pm. Phew...the day is finally over and as Karel sits watching a movie, I am heading to bed to get ready for Interval Tuesday! Good night!
3x Author, Board Certified Sports Dietitian, Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, 2017 IM CHOO Amateur Female Champion, 19xIronman finisher including 6xIM World Championship finisher, Triathlon Coach, 30-year