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Jane Nation wants YOU!!

My good friend Katrine (pronounced Katrina) showed me this website that her PR company is working on. As everyone knows, I am all about all-women stuff...especially when women can come together and celebrate the beauty of life! I'm totally obsessed with!!
Whether you are focused on life with your husband, boyfriend, significant other, parents, children, grandparents, animals, work, school or athletics...we all can relate to each other in some way or another.

Katrine and her company created a unique online community where women can share information, make friends, and discuss issues, topics, products and services related to growing, evolving, changing or even reinventing their way through life. I think everyone will find it interesting and informative.

Check it out at

There is also a video that tells the story (Jane Nation Video). You can also find Jane Nation on Facebook and Twitter. The future of Jane Nation is to be a premier destination for women to find information, inspiration and an invitation to affect change in their lives and the world.
