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Protein requirements underestimated

Don't you just love knowing what's new in research. I really enjoyed reading my latest issue of Vegetarian Nutrition and wanted to share some great research with you. Enjoy!

Evidence that protein requirements have been significantly underestimated
Elango, R., Humayun, M.A., Ball, R.O., Pencharz, P.B., Curr Opin Clin NUtr Metab Care. 2010; 13: 52-7

Researches associated with FAO/WHO reviewed recent evidence suggesting that protein requirements in adults have been underestimated. The current DRI recommendations for mean and population safe intakes of .66 and .8g/kg/d respectively of high quality protein in adults are based on a meta-analysis of nitrogen balance studies using single linear regression analysis. When the data were reanalyzed using two-phase linear regression analysis, mean and safe protein requirements were estimated to be .91 and .99 g/kg/d respectively. The two phase linear regression analysis is considered more appropriate for biological analysis of dose-response curves. In addition to this analysis, when an alternative method, the indicator amino acid oxidation technique, was used to determine protein requirements, the mean and population safe requirements in adult men were determined to be .93 and 1.2 g/kg/d which are 41 and 50% higher, respectively, than the current DRI. Consequently, the authors of this research suggested that there is an urgent need to reassess adult dietary protein intake recommendations.