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Where do you spend your energy?

Does your life give you reason to smile everyday?

With the off-season in full force, I was excited to get on my bike today for the group ride in Nocatee. I suppose my bike was a bit lonely for the past week since I haven't ridden it since last Saturday but all is good because I am enjoying the needed break from structured training. Also, after a well deserved almost two week break from running I'm using this time to work on my HR control, pacing and form/efficiency with running as I gear up for a fall half marathon, which will ultimately help me out at Lake Placid next year for the Ironman.

The morning started out cool which was pleasant. Karel was a bit speedy for his warm-up, likely because he is peaking at the right time before he does Rev3 Florida Half Iron next weekend. I am looking forward to watching him race his second half ironman distance for he is continuing to get stronger on the run and his swim training is really paying off. He's still crazy fast on the bike which is helping me get faster as well.

Still lots of room for improvement for him but he is still having fun with his new (since June) triathlon lifestyle. As for me, I gave everything I had in both mind and body out on the course in Branson 70.3. I think my body would enjoy racing again (especially with this beautiful fall weather in FL) but I don't want to take any risks  for I know my mind wants nothing to do with a race right now. Because I like to focus all my energy in both mind and body on a race, if I feel that just one part of me isn't prepared (mind), there's no point for me to put my body through another triathlon race, just for a shirt and a medal. Campy and I are looking forward to the weekend, cheering on Karel and of course, traveling and to support the other athletes.

Speaking of energy......

I feel as if there has been a lot of negative energy in the triathlon community lately. Funny thing is that the tri-world is rather small if you think about it, but thanks to social media, forums, blogs and word of mouth, things go around quickly and it's hard to step outside the triathlon bubble. Certainly, the tri bubble comes with positivity, motivation and inspiration but it also brings bullying, bad-mouthing and lots of assumptions.

I have a lot of natural energy. No, I don't drink energy drinks or sodas or pop pills to give me a boost. Certainly good sleep and a balanced diet help me out but I also try to direct my energy to things, people, tasks that will make me feel better about myself and my life. I hope you do the same.

Sadly, many people waste a lot of time not doing things that will make their life better. Isn't that what life is about? Time is such a precious thing and considering that we are about 2 months away from 2013, we can't go back in time. We can only use our energy to enhance our life, thus stopping habits that move us backward. Relating to the diet, the body, work or performance, almost everyone is guilty of wasting energy, giving excuses, making assumptions and comparing to others, which give little purpose to life in terms of making memories for a quality filled life.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Be proud of what you have, what you look like, what you are able to do and what you can become. You will never find enjoyment in your own life if you constantly waste energy thinking, trying and wanting to be like others.

Since I work in a hospital as a clinical dietitian, I feel as if many people would stop wasting energy on trivial things (including extreme quick fixes with body weight, wanting to always know what others are doing to be "successful" as well as feeling the need to rush performance gains) if they put themselves in the shoes of others. Sure, I deal with alcoholics and drug seeking patients but I also have newly diagnosed cancer patients and patients with a life changing diagnosis. Consider the time you spend wanting to have what others have and think about what makes your life so great. Perhaps people are looking at you, wanting what you have but you are too busy wanting to change your life to be like others.

Stop the assumptions, the bad-mouthing, the bullying and taking the time to speak/write negative words about others. You won't find me posting negative words on facebook, discussing others on my blog or wasting my time on things that I feel will not enhance my life. Words can be very unattractive so if you want to feel beautiful (guys included), stop the negative energy in our life by focusing on how you can make your life better. Sure, we all have freedom of speech but I feel the world would be a happier place if we would all smile more, live more and love more.