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2015 diet tip: Channel your energy

Channel your energy

 It's crazy, right?

You know that we are all different as human beings. No two people are the same.
Yet it's so easy to compare your life to someone else's. 

Over the years, the comparison issue has gotten worse thanks to social media making it so easy to see what everyone is doing, all the time (even those that you are "friends" with but have never even met).

So now is a great time to sift through your social media outlets and channel your energy to only positive, feel-good, inspiring people who can guide you in your journey and keep you motivated and inspired. It's ok if you don't know those people - just make sure that your "network" (including blogs, forums, websites, etc.) is giving you realistic, practical and helpful information and doesn't cause you to point out your individual flaws/imperfections (which merely make you unique and individual). Only you can decide what is best for you and your journey in life. The more you narrow-down on who you are getting your information from when it comes to changing habits/lifestyle, the easier it will be to move in the "right" direction for you. Information overload is never a good thing.

Now, extra Campy kisses - that is always a good thing in excess. 

If someone else has something that you don't have, you may think that that person is lucky or perhaps, you wish you could be happy like that person.  

Although it is natural to compare, you must ask yourself how this is serving you in life... assuming that you need what someone else has (and this relates to looks, health, fitness/performance, wealth, etc.).

 If you are spending energy on your flaws as a direct comparison to someone else's perfect _______, you may find yourself in an unhealthy psychological place. When you want what you don't have at the moment, this can cause you to develop thoughts that may cause you to take drastic measures to try to get what you don't have....quickly.

Here is a fabulous message by Gloria - Happy New Year Vlog. The message is powerful - acknowledge yourself and reflect on how far you have come in the past year. Let go of what you feel is left undone and remind yourself that you are where you should be with it all. 

When it comes to channeling your energy to your 2015 diet as a way of improving your health, quality of life or fitness/performance, you absolutely need to focus on yourself. 

And when you think about yourself, you need to direct your energy on what you feel are important areas of change as it relates to your diet.

So that you do not start changing everything too quickly and find yourself, overnight creating a lifestyle that is just not realistic for you right now in your journey, I want you to place a lot of positive energy on no more than 3 changes that you want to focus on in the first 2 weeks of your journey. These should be extremely important to you in that if you change these three things, it will snowball into other changes.

For example, rather than telling yourself that you need to stop eating bread because bread is bad and it makes your tummy hurt or it is a trigger food for overeating, how about make a change so that for lunch a few times per week, you simply rethink the components of your meal.  

CHANGE:  How about you turn that sandwich inside out and replace the bread with 1/2  - 1 cup rice/whole grains/noodles or small potato. 

In making this one simple dietary swap, you not only keep a good relationship with bread (it's not off-limit because sometimes bread will feel right and sometimes you will need a sandwich) but you have now introduced a more plant strong meal into your daily routine which will satisfy you and not deprive you.  

Additionally, you are going to have to prepare this item ahead of time so this means you are making an extra step to plan ahead. 

And on top of that all, without making bread off limit, you are also going to learn that you can't eat this meal in the car as you need utensils and you probably can't eat this meal in less than 5 bites. So by this one simple swap a few times per week, you have essentially changed at least 4 lifestyle habits that may positively affect your health, nutrition and performance journey.

What a beautiful concept that most diet plans don't teach you.
This is the special benefit of eating mindfully - foods are not off-limit, you just change the way you eat by thinking about food differently.

Don't change your entire life all at once because that is too extreme. And when you focus on yourself, you may not need to change everything because you may be exactly where you need to be right now in your journey. 

What else can drive your changes?
How about any recent lab results or a doctor visit that may have given you a few red flags? What about those ongoing tummy issues, headache or bonking issues during workouts. Are those worth exploring now (I would say so!).

 Even if a drop in weight will make you healthier, don't put all your energy on the number on the scale. Is there something in your diet that you can change that will improve your life, your health, your fitness, etc. and a chance in body composition will be an added bonus? 

The "Channel your energy" step is extremely important because we are all in different places in our own journey. My idea of improving my cooking skills and varying the foods in my diet may be completely different than someone who struggles to find the time (or desire) to make or even eat a salad.

Channel your energy on you.

All you need to do is discover no more than 3 things in your diet that you can work on for the next two weeks that will make a difference in your personal nutritional journey.

It's not about good food/bad food, being disciplined or having willpower.

Your relationship with food, your reason for change and intentions for change will make this step much easier so make sure that you don't rush this part of your journey.

You can move at your own pace and add in new changes anytime you want. It's your life and you have no one to compare yourself to except for who you were yesterday.

Key points:

-Sift through your social media outlets and channel your energy to only positive, feel-good, inspiring people who can guide you in your journey and keep you motivated and inspired.

- Listen to this fabulous message by Gloria - Happy New Year Vlog.

-Direct your energy on what you feel are important areas of change as it relates to your diet.

-Place a lot of positive energy on no more than 3 changes that you want to focus on in the first 2 weeks of your journey. These should be extremely important to you in that if you change these three things, it will snowball into other changes.

-Don't change your entire life all at once because that is too extreme.

-Your relationship with food, your reason for change and intentions for change will make this step much easier so make sure that you don't rush this part of your journey.