After writing many race reports on my blog over the past 9 years, I've learned two things about how valuable it is to write a race report:
1) It is so great to be able to go back to a race report and "re-live" the race experience and to learn from the race after it happens.
2) It is always better to write a race report soon after the race happens as that is when emotions, thoughts and feelings are most real, raw and true.
Reason number two is why I chose to record a video recap just a few hours after crossing my 10th Ironman and 4th IM World Championship finish line.
But, reason number two is also why I have waited over a week since crossing the 2015 IM Kona finish line to start my series of race reports from the race.
I was filled with a variety of emotions, thoughts and feelings in the 72 hours after the race.
There were some smiles and some tears as I was on a roller coaster of emotions.
I'm sure I don't have to describe what I was feeling as I was celebrating my 10th Ironman finish line and the honor of participating in a World Championship event for the 4th time AND for the first time, sharing the event with Karel.
The entire race week, vacation and experience was amazing and we made so many great memories on the beautiful island of Kona.
But, as you know, my race didn't go as planned and I had to fight for a finish (funny, I didn't really have a plan but all endurance athletes know that we want to be able to race with our mind as our biggest limiter but unfortunately my body did not respond to the strength of my mind).
After we returned home from Kona on Wednesday evening, it was only 5 days since IM Kona that I finally felt like I was able to move on from my race performance and not overlook my accomplishment.
(I have to thank Karel, my family but also the many Trimarni athletes and followers who sent me emails, texts and messages after the race, for helping me out, emotionally, post-race).
Finally, I stopped the reflecting and over-analyzing and decided it was time to start enjoying the off-season and start dreaming big for 2016.
After I came back to reality that this is a hobby and something "fun" that I love to do with my free time (and disposable income), I also remembered all of the amazing things that I have been able to do with my body over the past 9 years and even on race day.
I decided that the way that I want to remember this event (through my race recap) is by the experience.
I learned SO much from this race and I believe it will only help me and my athletes out for seasons to come.
Without a doubt, this was one of the best race experiences and when I look back at this blog, I don't want to forget what Karel and I "survived" in order to get to the finish line.
Stay tuned for my 3-part race report - which starts tomorrow!