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Creating a picture-worthy Buddha Bowl


A buddha bowl is not only visually appealing, but the contents inside are incredibly nourishing. Overflowing with color, a Buddha bowl is a one-stop, balanced meal. Ingredients typically include plant (or animal) protein, whole grains and vegetables. Because the options are endless, Buddha bowls allow you to be as creative as you want in the kitchen.

As noted on TheKitchen;
"According to Dan Zigmond, a Zen priest and the author of Buddha’s Diet, the name Buddha Bowl might have a very literal origin. “Buddha woke up before dawn every morning and carried his bowl through the roads or paths wherever he was staying. Local people would place food in the bowl as a donation, and at the end he would eat whatever he had been given,” he told Epicurious. “That was the original Buddha Bowl: a big bowl of whatever food villagers had available and could afford to share.”

Sure, a buddha bowl just looks/sounds like a meal in a bowl but there's a lot more to it. It's a macronutrient balanced meal composed of wholesome, real food ingredients. 

Here are a few tips to help you create a nourishing (and picture-worthy) Buddha bowl:

  • Start with the veggies - Choose a colorful variety of baked, cooked or raw veggies.
  • Choose your grains - Use cooked brown rice, wild rice, barley, quinoa or any other grain/rice.
  • Add your protein - Take your pick of animal and/or plant protein. Examples include chickpeas, beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, fish, egg, beef or chicken.
  • Add your fat - Top with avocado, a homemade vinagrette, a spoonful of guac or hummus or keep it simple with EVOO.
  • Make it pop - Consider adding a sprinkle of nuts, seeds or pepitas for added texture and crunch.
There are no rules when it comes to making a Buddha bowl. Aim for creativity and color. And don't forget to make leftovers!

To read more, check out a past Trimarni newsletter with a delicious Buddha bowl recipe. 
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