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Happy 13th Birthday Campy!!


I can't believe that my lovey, my buddy, my snickerdoodle, my golden nugget, my chihuahy, my Campy camp is turning 13 today. 

For the past 12 years, I've been spoiled with unconditional love from my furry best friend. To celebrate another year added to his lottery-winning life, I thought I'd share 13 fun facts about Campy: 

1. Campy loves to sleep under blankets and he loves pillows. 

2. Campy loves road trips. 

3. Campy does not mind being carried around like a baby. 

4. Campy is very gentle around cats, puppies and kittens. Strangers (humans), not so much. 

5. Campy suffered from seizures in the summer of 2015. He was put on phenobarbital and takes 1/2 pill in the morning and in the evening. He has been seizure free ever since. 

6. Campy was attacked by a dog off the leash in December 2018. He handled it like a champ. 

7. Campy is not a big eater. He doesn't care for dry dog food but loves dry cat food. 

8. Campy loves being warm. He loves to sit outside in the summer and by the indoor fire in the winter. Campy despises the snow and does not like to be wet. 

9. Campy loves to be active (and outside). He used to run with me but now we go on long walks and hikes. 

10. Campy has traveled to many cycling and triathlon events all along the East Coast. 

11. We found Campy online at His original name was Sparky. 

12. Campy is my therapy. We have been through so much together. 

13. Campy loves toys ("bears") with squeakers. The process of taking out the squeaker is his favorite hobby. 

Since I have a bazillion pictures of Campy (around a million of him sleeping), I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. For more pics, you can check out #campyslife on Instagram.