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Florida Xtreme Triathlon - quick recap

Wow. I can't believe what we just accomplished. 

When Karel told me about the Xtreme triathlon event, it sounded like a challenging event. While we were challenged in ways that we have never experienced before, there was so much more to this event that we didn't expect. 

Before I give a quick recap of the event, I need to give a huge thank you to our support crew - which was our friend and athlete Alvaro. Al took time away from work, family and his own training to help us navigate through the logistics of this point to point to point event. We could not have done this event without his support, videos, pictures, cheers, encouragement and ability to know what we needed at any point in the race. 

I'd also like to give a big shoutout to the Xtreme Triathlon and SommerSports crew, volunteers and staff. Every person involved in the event showed professionalism, enthusiasm and encouragement. This was a legit race with official timing, start and finish signs at the transition areas, signage and a lot of incredible swag. The crew that put on this event did an incredible job of making us feel safe, cared for and supported throughout all three stages. I can't express the logistical nightmare that these people went through to move a race from one coast of Florida to the other, while setting up and tearing down the transition area day after day after day. But they always had smiles on their faces and never stopped the cheering. And they did this all for every athlete in the race to receive the full triathlon experience - for three days straight! This event is unlike any other and I highly recommend participating if you are in need of an extreme triathlon challenge!

As for the breakdown of this event: 

Day 1: 2 mile swim, 102 mile bike, 18.6 mile run. 
Day 2: 2 mile swim, 73 mile bike, 18.6 mile run. 
Day 3: 2 mile swim, 68 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. 

Day 1: 
Marni: 8:50:14.
50:18 swim
2:50 -T1- transition one from swim to bike
5:05.46 bike
6:06 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
2:45:17 run

Day 1: 
Karel: 7:49.49
50:39 swim
2:16 -T1- transition one from swim to bike
4:44.21 bike
3:15 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
2:09.21 run

Day 2: 
Marni: 7:47.56
56:19 swim
3:07 -T1- transition one from swim to bike
3:43 bike
4:48 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
2:59.04 run

Day 2: 
Karel: 6:58.08
57:17 swim
2:38 -T1- transition one from swim to bike
3:38.58 bike
4:32 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
2:14.40 run

Day 3: 
Marni: 6:38.10
54.20 swim
2:53 -T1- transition one from swim to bike
3:31 bike
6:32 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
2:03.02 run

Day 3: 
Karel: 5:58.12
54.33 swim
Timing was off -T1- transition one from swim to bike
Timing was off but it was around 3:15 bike
5:37 - T2 - transition two from bike to run
1:35.10 run

Marni: 23:16.20, 1st overall female. 2nd overall. 
Karel: 20:47.31. 1st overall. 

This event was so much more than just completing the distances each day. Here's what we learned over three days of racing: 

  • Patience is key.
  • Staying in the moment is important. 
  • Staying organized is key. 
  • There was a lot of packing, repacking, charging gadgets, rinsing water bottles and planning nutrition. 
  • Volunteers are amazing!! 
  • Recovery felt rushed but it was so important. 
  • This was more of an adventure than a race to chase times or competitors. 
  • Chasing an outcome can paralyze you and limit your abilities.
  • You need to have fun no matter what comes your way.
  • This was truly an individual effort - from start to finish. 
  • You have to know how to troubleshoot situations when they come about. 
  • Sometimes things won't go as planned but that doesn't mean that your race is over.
  • The small race field made it very personalized and felt like a family. 
  • Everyone is racing for their own reasons. 
  • Sleep was difficult - we had restless sleep. 
  • We had to stay in the moment and focus on only one mile at a time. 
  • This race was a refreshing change from what we are used to in big corporation races. 
  • Your mind is your biggest limiter. 
  • You are capable of so much more than you realize. 
  • Even when you think you can't do it, you have more in you than you know. 
  • Nothing beats the finish line feeling. It doesn't matter how big or small the race. 
  • Never take for granted your health and abilities. 
  • We never felt like we didn't want to be in the race. We never stopped caring and always gave our best. 
  • Learn to be great at not slowing down (too much).
  • Having a positive support crew is so important! 
  • Chase scary goals and dreams. Never give up. 
  • Don't forget to thank your body and take care of it daily.