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Approach change with curiosity and exploration.


Looking at this picture from seven years ago, I remember how nervous I was for every live TV segment that I did with News4Jax. I'd prepare for hours.....all for a 2.5 minute segment. Despite the nerves and unpredictable nature of speaking live (for the entire city to see), I would always finish the segment with relief and the feeling that it wasn't as scary as I imagined it to be. Overtime, I became more comfortable speaking live and started to look forward to each new opportunity. Trying something new can be intimidating but here's no time like the present to try something you've never done before!

Change is hard. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself always reverting back to old behaviors and habits. Going from something familiar and within your control to something that is unknown and unpredictable provokes a lot of fear. 

Affected by a feeling of insecurity, you may find yourself with thoughts like "will I be successful?" "what will happen?" "will I be ok?" Outside of a comfort zone is a fear of failure, self-doubt, and worry of judgement but to achieve something that you've never had/done before, you must push past these false beliefs.

To avoid being a victim in your own life, trust yourself and your abilities. Starting something new can be scary, but don't let your thoughts stand in your way. Let 2021 be the year where you transform fear into motivation. Although there will be great discomfort in trying something new, approach change with curiosity. Starting something new is an exploration. Let go of the fears and start exploring with your mind, body and soul. 

For more on this topic, check out the recent Trimarni newsletter where I talk about a better approach to New Years Resolutions (and meal planning tips from Joey Mock).