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Does every workout require a recovery drink?

A smoothie can be a perfect recovery beverage. 

This blended (or shaken) beverage can be a good source of carbs, protein, electrolytes and fluids, and makes for a well-tolerated snack when fatigue, exhaustion, and dehydration linger post-workout.

But does every workout require a protein-packed smoothie?

❌Skip the engineered foods and expensive shakes and make yourself a nutritious well-balanced meal if:

👉You only exercise once a day and have long recovery periods between two workouts.
👉Your workout is neither intense or high volume.
👉You can eat a meal within 45 minutes of the workout.

✅Certain situations justify a recovery drink before a real meal. Go for the post-workout smoothie if:

👉There are less than eight hours between two workouts.
👉Your workout is high intensity or high volume.
👉Muscle damage has occurred (ex. plyometrics or weight-bearing activity).
👉You can’t eat a meal within 45 min of your workout.
👉Your workout included eccentric movements (downhill running, strength training).

Because your daily energy and carbohydrate needs are higher on intense or high volume training days, don’t be concerned about the extra calories affecting your body composition goals. Take advantage of this window of opportunity to recover, refuel and rehydrate to get stronger, faster and fitter.

If making your own smoothie, follow this order of ingredients for the perfect concoction:
🥄Soft foods
🥄Frozen foods
🥄Sticky ingredients