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The story of Sylvi


It was Friday morning, September 18th, 2020. With my swimsuit on under my clothes at home, it was nearing 7:30 and I was ready for our morning swim. But Karel suggested that we run instead of swimming. Since we had a 2.4 mile open water swim event the next day, I welcomed this change in our normal routine. 

I changed into my run gear and did a mobility routine before heading outside. Karel left around 30 minutes before I did so I had no idea what route he was planning to run (although we both had a similar interval workout). 

Without a clear idea of which route I would run, I started running on one of my go-to run routes before heading on to the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Typically I stay on the road (for the terrain changes) but for some reason, my legs took my on the Swamp Rabbit Trail towards Traveler's Rest. I hardly ever run that way but something told me to go in that direction. 

As I started my main set of intervals, I noticed in the distance that a few people were looking into the bushes on the right of the trail (near the main road). As I got closer, I saw a small white-ish kitten in the bushes. I stopped briefly but didn't want to scare it so I kept on running. For the next few minutes, I couldn't stop thinking about this kitten. 

The pile of bushes/limbs where the kitten was hiding. 

I turned around at the next intersection (the light by the post office in TR) and told myself that if the people were gone, I would try to get the kitten. For some reason, I felt in my heart that I really needed this kitten. I had mentioned to Karel several times that we should consider getting Ella a playmate (since Madison is 12 years old than Ella). I guess putting that thought into the universe brought me to this kitten. 

Another family was there trying to get the kitten but after no luck, they walked away. By the time I returned to the spot, there was no one around. I had never caught a kitten in a pile of bushes and limbs before so I wasn't sure what to do. All I knew was that I didn't want to scare it and have it run towards the road. 

After nearly 20-minutes of sitting quietly, listening to the kitten cry and trying to get the kitten to earn my trust, I had no luck catching it. I figured I needed some help so I called Karel. 

The phone rang a few times and as soon as Karel picked up - before I said a word - he said "did you get the kitten???"

Apparently, he ran the exact same route as me and saw the kitten a good 20-minutes before me. He was actually getting ready to head back out on the trail on his bike to see if he could catch the kitten with some food. I told Karel to drive to the nearest parking lot and to come find me. I told him that we are bringing this kitten home and not leaving until we catch him. 

Almost 10 minutes later (and nearly 30 minutes sitting with this kitten), Karel arrived with a paper plate and wet food. Karel sat the food down and the kitten immediately went toward the plate. Karel tried to grab it but missed. We both thought that would be our last chance to get the kitten. But the kitten was starving and couldn't resist the food. Karel kept his hand close to the plate and with one more attempt, he grabbed the kitten and was able to pick it up. However, the kitten was so scared that it bit Karel and stuck all his nails into his skin. Karel said it felt like his nails hit his bones. But Karel wasn't going to let go. Before we left, we made sure there were no other kittens or a momma cat around. 

I took off my run top and wrapped up the kitten in Karel's arms and we walked as fast as we could back to the car. We then drove home and safely put the kitten in our master bath. 

The kitten was so scared and it quickly climbed up the back of my dresser and into my clothes. Seeing how frail and boney he was, we knew he needed more food. We gave him more food in one of my drawers (where he was hiding) and he ate it so quickly...and then fell asleep. 

He looked to be only a few months old but very malnourished and scraped up from being in the bushes. We turned our master bath into a "kitten" room and kept the kitten there for a few days until we could make a vet appointment. We were a bit nervous to introduce this kitten to Madison (our oldest cat) but we were even more nervous about Ella and whether or not she would accept this new kitten. 

When Sylvi first met Ella. 

After a few days, this kitten finally had a name (and a gender). His name is Sylvi. 

Sylvilagus aquaticus is another name for The Swamp Rabbit (which is where we found him - on the Swamp Rabbit Trail). We call him Sylvi (which is short for Sylvester). 

After Sylvi got the OK from the vet that he was in good health and received his first set of vaccines, it was time for Ella and Sylvi to meet. It was an instant connection and they have been best buds every since. We love Sylvi's left arm - we call it his tattoo sleeve. 

Sylvi is the sweetest, most loving cat. He has the most expressive eyes. He doesn't have a bad bone in his body and he has never hit, hissed or bitten us (well except for Karel when he caught Sylvi). Sylvi has so much love to give but he is extremely timid and scared of strangers. He is always on alert and his ears are either up or down when he is scared. He likes to be up high on the cat post or on the top of the stairs (or staircase) or he likes to be under the bed or under a blanket. He loves to play with his toys (and strings) and he is perfectly happy playing with himself. We still remember when he was in the master bath and we would be going to sleep listening to him play with his toys all by himself. He loves to knead on us (and on soft blankets) and he does the cutest thing with his head where he will rub it on my leg as he curls into a ball. Ella loves snuggling and playing with Sylvi - they are the best of friends. His only downside is that he is obsessed with food. He is constantly hungry and treats every meal like it's his last meal. He has so much love to give and he is very special to us. 

It was the perfect series of events that brought us to Sylvi and we are forever grateful that he came into our lives. We love him so much and we thought our furry family was complete.......until I found Asher a year later. 

Here are a few of the many pics that I have of our sweet Sylvi.