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5 tips for doing your first Ironman


I made a lot of mistakes in my early years of Ironman training and racing. I was a stubborn and naive 24-year old who was obsessed with the sport of triathlon.

Fast forward 18 years, 19 Ironmans and 2 XTRI events, I have a lot more experience, knowledge and wisdom to pass along to other athletes. 

In my first year of endurance racing in 2006, I completed the Boston Marathon, Disney half ironman and IMFL within 8 months. Despite having the most success at IMFL by winning the 18-24 age group by an hour, I wish I would have focused more on shorter distances instead of directing all my energy to the Ironman distance. I should have hired a coach to guide me on the best path for my body and development.

If completing an Ironman is on your bucket list, I was recently interviewed by Business Insider and shared my best tips for those who are interested in conquering the 140.6 mile distance.

You can read the full article HERE.