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Happy Global Running Day


Happy Global Running Day!

I wish I had the same confidence, passion and joy for running as I do for swimming and cycling.
I look forward to my swim and bike workouts. It feels so good to push hard. I don't feel the same way about running. I always stress about what my body will feel like when I run.
Running does not feel natural to me. I don't feel like "a runner" when I run.
Sometimes running is very hard for me. It's often hard to get started and to keep going.
Running has given me several injuries. As much as I try to do things right, it's the only sport that can make me sad and frustrated.

Although me and running have had a rocky long-term relationship, I've never given up on running. It has helped me during difficult times in my life. I have found comfort in running as it serves as an outlet for grief, anxiety and depression.

When I run, I become a great problem solver. I come up with the best ideas when I am running. Running is the only sport that I can truly finish a workout feeling equally accomplished and relieved. I have overcome so many run-related setbacks which means I never take a run for granted.
Running gives me an opportunity to reflect on what I am grateful for in life. Running gets me outside and gives me the opportunity to fill my lungs with fresh air and my eyes and ears with different smells and sights. Running provides a temporary mental escape from life.

Thank you body for allowing me to run.
I am proud to be a (triathlon) runner.