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Are self-imposed barriers holding you back?


There's a good chance that while driving on a road trip, you've been stuck in traffic, had to follow a detour or experienced a road closed sign. When something doesn't go as expected or takes a different turn, it can be inconvenient and frustrating. 

While these situations are out of your control, sometimes the obstacle in life is not something or someone else but rather, yourself. When it feels like something is holding you back, the most significant obstacle standing in the way of success and/or happiness may be yourself. 

We've all been stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, self-destruction, procrastination and self-doubt. Although the causes can vary and can be very situational, a common reason for feeling stuck is trying to always live up to societal expectations. Rather than building your life with intent, defining what a successful life means to you and making decisions based on what truly brings you joy, a set of social expectations and societal norms are constantly shaping your attitudes, beliefs, goals and values. As a result, you may find that you are constantly being held back from pursuing the best version of yourself. 

Limiting beliefs are formed early in life based on our upbringing (ex. criticism from coaches, teachers or parents), experiences (ex. past failures, recognition, achievements) and societal expectations (ex. having a successful career, starting a family, being popular). These beliefs are ingrained assumptions about ourselves, others and the world that we live in and we are taught to believe that we must follow certain paths or hit certain milestones to be happy and successful. 

Overcoming limiting beliefs is critical for personal growth and quality of life. Self-imposed barriers can hold you back from taking a risk to change careers, move to a different state, escape from an unhealthy relationship or try something new. You can't explore your potential (and what you can bring to society and give to others) if you don't open yourself to new opportunities. 

If you feel like you are not getting the most out of your one and only life, it's time to look at some examples of how you may be living with self-imposed barriers.....

  • I'm not.......
  • I'm too.......
  • I don't.......
  • I can't......
By identifying your limiting beliefs, you can recognize patterns of fear, self-doubt or negativity. To understand if your limiting beliefs are valid, ask yourself if there is good evidence to support them. Can you challenge your limiting beliefs and replace negative talk with empowering thoughts and actions? 

Don't let anyone - or yourself - get in the way of what you want to get out of life. You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.

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