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The Stone Triathlon - Gear


Extreme triathlons are unique in that they require some slightly different gear and equipment to a standard long distance triathlon. And every extreme triathlon is different. 

Here are a few examples from our past three XTRI events.....
-At Canadaman, I was required to bring my own inflatable buoy (and light) for the swim. At Icon we were given a buoy (and light) that was returned to the organizers. At The Stone, Karel was able to keep his buoy (and glowstick). 
-At Canadaman, the terrain was primarily off-road. But I choose to change into trail shoes (and use my hiking poles) for the final few miles. At Icon, I wore road shoes for all of the run as most of the trails were lightly packed gravel and not too technical. I used hiking poles for the final few miles up the mountain. At The Stone, Karel needed hiking poles for most of the run. He wore road shoes for most of the run until he changed into his trail shoes for the final 2 miles up the mountain. 
-At Canadaman, I was choose to wear a one piece trisuit for the swim and bike and I changed into running gear for the run. At The Stone, Karel wore a one piece trisuit for the swim and the bike and changed into running gear for the run. At Icon, I did a complete change out of my swim gear and into dry clothing for the bike (it was 32 degrees out) and had several layers on that I removed as the bike went on. I also did a complete change into run gear before the run. 
-At Canadaman, I used a tri bike (I will also use my tri bike for Norseman). At Icon, I used my road bike w/ attached aerobars and at The Stone, Karel used his road bike with attached aerobars. 

Although we have only completed a few extreme triathlons, we have learned that there are several similarities in that every race offers a variety of weather conditions, cold water (and/or swimming in the dark), big climbs on the bike (a lot of elevation gain), and a mix of road and trail running. And every race requires a support crew as the events are primarily self-supported. 

To learn more about the gear that Karel used in The Stone Extreme Triathlon, check out these videos that I took before the event. 




THE RUN (Mandatory gear)