Want to recover faster after workouts?
Want to prevent eating too many calories at your "real" meal after a workout?
Want to ensure glyocgen storage at your post workout meal?
Want to stablize blood sugar after a workout?
Want a yummy treat to help get stronger and get ready for upcoming workouts?
Have a smoothie!
Here is my general rule with protein after a workout. Recovery nutrition always depends on intensity of training, body size (calories), weather, type of exercise and weekly volume. However, you can never go wrong with protein within 45 min. after your workouts:
*After 2+ hour workouts - 200-350 calories. Smoothie w/ 1 scoop whey protein and fruit, yogurt, milk, nuts, PB, ice cream, chocolate, etc. About 30-90 min. after the smoothie, have a 300-500 calorie breakfast of complex carbohydrates, a little fat and a little protein.
*After 90-120 min. workouts - 150-250 calories. Smoothie w/ 1 scoop whey protein, fruit and 4-6 ounces milk OR 1 scoop whey protein w/ 8 ounces skim/soy milk in a shaker (to prevent clumping). About 30-60 min. after smoothie, have a 350-400 calorie complex carbohydrate breakfast w/ a little fat and protein.
*After 60-90 min workouts - 100-125 calories. 1 scoop whey protein w/ 4 ounces skim/soy milk and 6-10 ounces water OR any of the following: yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meat, egg whites, beans, nuts. After protein snack, have a complex carbohydrate breakfast of around 300-400 calories of complex carbohydates, a little protein and a little fat.
NOTE: Do you need a protein smoothie every type you finish a workout? No, but a little protein post workout will not only keep you from overeating a meal but you are speeding up the recovery process. Try to steer clear from protein powders which are high in carbs or store-bought smoothies. You want to save calories for a real meal. The more intense the workout, the more you need to think about recovering quickly. Also, the longer the workout, the increase tendency to eat in excess after the workout (and not always the healthiest foods).
You want to make sure your protein is made of whey protein (as first ingredient) and has around 90-120 calories per scoop and 18-24 grams protein per scoop. Remember-If you try to save calories by only using 1/2 scoop or cutting back on the serving size you also decrease the protein! You want protein post workout w/ a little carbs (1/2 granola bar, a little dry cereal, fruit, etc.) but ultimately, you want to have your protein first and then a real meal to ensure that you are refueling, while you repair.
Apricot Pinapple Smoothie
1/4 cup crushed pineapple (if in can, drain first and give a light rinse)
1 fresh apricot, diced
6 strawberries (best if frozen)
1/2 banana (best if frozen)
1 cup water (may need to add more water after blending ingredients)
1/2 cup skim/soy milk
1 scoop whey protein powder
1/2 tbsp. flax seeds (optional) or 2-3 walnuts
1) In a blender, blend fruit with the rest of the ingredients except protein.
2) Add protein and blend until thoroughly mixed.
3) Top w/ 1/8 cup granola or 1/4 cup of your favorite cereal.
Banana orange-berry Smoothie
1 orange (peeled, sliced and seeded)
1/2 banana (frozen)
1/4 cup blueberries or raspberries (if not in season, buy frozen)
1/2 cup water (may need to add more water)
1/2 cup skim/soy milk
1 scoop whey protein powder
1) In a blender, blend fruit with the rest of the ingredients except protein.
2) Add protein and blend until thoroughly mixed.
3) Top with 1/2 ounce dark chocolate (chopped or grated)