Or, feeling satisfied by increasing nutrient density.
Whichever way you look at it, the obvious key to weight loss is eating less calories. Oh, if it was only that simple.
It's more and more common to see ads on TV of foods with "less" calories.
"Now...with only x-calories compared to before with x-calories."
When it comes to processed food (manufactured food in a box), often something is added when something is removed to make that food "less". Check the label and you will often see more fat, sugar, sodium or ingredients...often artificial or sweetened ingredients.
As an athlete, my focus is on my health but also on my performance. Therefore, as I am eating to LIVE a long and healthful lifestyle, I am also prioritizing my food choices to fuel my workouts. Thus, the balance is achieved when I feel satisfied with my food intake and thus, my workouts do not suffer because of my eating habits. This is something that is achieved over time and varies from person to person so be mindful that as your training changes, so does your diet. Additionally, what works for one person, may not (and probably won't) work for you.
However, the underlying "foundation" should remain the same.
According to the 2009 October issue of Nutrition Action Healthletter, pg 6 "If you trim the calorie density-that is, the calories per bite-people leave the table feeling full but with fewer calories in their belly (and, eventually, with less belly)." According to the Omni-heart higher-carb diet, "People who lowered their calorie density ended up eating fewer calories and losing more weight," explains Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University. " The change in calorie density was the biggest predictor of six-month weight loss. And those people ate a pound more food a day."
I believe that this idea is easy to understand so for active individuals who feel like you are constantly eating or feeling hungry, the idea isn't always to just add more veggies and fruit.
The key is balance. Such an over-used word but very few seem to understand it when it comes to the diet. The idea is not to keep adding more and more food to satisfy cravings but to work with what you are doing and to find that right balance to keep you fueled, recovering quickly and to leave you satisfied.
Building a plate of nutrient-dense foods is the first place to start. This way you have the key nutrients to support metabolic processes, to reduce risk for disease, to fight illness and disease and to keep your body happy with fiber, water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Once you have this foundation, find your balance with a selection of whole grains, protein and fat. Natural ingredients always win over artificial or manufactured.
Immersing myself in research lately has me really opening my eyes to a lot of new (yet previously discussed and overlooked) topics. To sum things up, do not believe everything you read on Facebook (especially those who are more focused on body composition than overall health) and my suggestion is to not overload the body with animal protein. Perhaps we should be paying a bit more attention to the types of fat in the diet (for flavor, for brain and body health, satisfaction and to slow down gastric emptying) and we should not be over-emphasizing dairy as much as once was believed. However, the key is balance and I still believe that 2 servings of non fat dairy (for those who choose dairy) is beneficial in a "plant-based" diet.
So, what else should you do? Bulk up the diet in plant-based protein and if you need a little help in reducing risk for disease or trying to find that right balance with your training routine, send me an email. I promise, a few dietary "life-changers" in terms of performance and health are not as complicated as you may think. Understanding that the importance is on what you CAN have and not what you CAN'T have, I don't believe in placing any of my athletes on prescribed diets. I read research with an open-mind and I believe in applying practices to "real-world" settings.
Thus...I leave you with my nutrient-dense salad filled with yumminess and a satisfied belly.
Nutrient dense salad
Sunflower seeds
1/2 avocado
Green peppers

A few easy dressings:
(Nutrition Action Healthletter, Oct 2009 pg 7)
Balsamic Vinaigrette:
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp fresh thyme (optional)
1 tbs dark brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Creamy citrus
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1 clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup mayo (recommend light)
1/3 cup (pure) canola oil (or your choice of heart healthy oil)
Sesame ginger
1 tbs sesame seeds
2 tbs reduced sodium soy sauce
1 tbs rice wine vinegar or cider vinegar
1 tbs minced ginger
1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 tbs toasted sesame oil
1/3 cup (pure) canola oil (or your choice of heart healthy oil)
Whichever way you look at it, the obvious key to weight loss is eating less calories. Oh, if it was only that simple.
It's more and more common to see ads on TV of foods with "less" calories.
"Now...with only x-calories compared to before with x-calories."
When it comes to processed food (manufactured food in a box), often something is added when something is removed to make that food "less". Check the label and you will often see more fat, sugar, sodium or ingredients...often artificial or sweetened ingredients.
As an athlete, my focus is on my health but also on my performance. Therefore, as I am eating to LIVE a long and healthful lifestyle, I am also prioritizing my food choices to fuel my workouts. Thus, the balance is achieved when I feel satisfied with my food intake and thus, my workouts do not suffer because of my eating habits. This is something that is achieved over time and varies from person to person so be mindful that as your training changes, so does your diet. Additionally, what works for one person, may not (and probably won't) work for you.
However, the underlying "foundation" should remain the same.
According to the 2009 October issue of Nutrition Action Healthletter, pg 6 "If you trim the calorie density-that is, the calories per bite-people leave the table feeling full but with fewer calories in their belly (and, eventually, with less belly)." According to the Omni-heart higher-carb diet, "People who lowered their calorie density ended up eating fewer calories and losing more weight," explains Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University. " The change in calorie density was the biggest predictor of six-month weight loss. And those people ate a pound more food a day."
I believe that this idea is easy to understand so for active individuals who feel like you are constantly eating or feeling hungry, the idea isn't always to just add more veggies and fruit.
The key is balance. Such an over-used word but very few seem to understand it when it comes to the diet. The idea is not to keep adding more and more food to satisfy cravings but to work with what you are doing and to find that right balance to keep you fueled, recovering quickly and to leave you satisfied.
Building a plate of nutrient-dense foods is the first place to start. This way you have the key nutrients to support metabolic processes, to reduce risk for disease, to fight illness and disease and to keep your body happy with fiber, water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Once you have this foundation, find your balance with a selection of whole grains, protein and fat. Natural ingredients always win over artificial or manufactured.
Immersing myself in research lately has me really opening my eyes to a lot of new (yet previously discussed and overlooked) topics. To sum things up, do not believe everything you read on Facebook (especially those who are more focused on body composition than overall health) and my suggestion is to not overload the body with animal protein. Perhaps we should be paying a bit more attention to the types of fat in the diet (for flavor, for brain and body health, satisfaction and to slow down gastric emptying) and we should not be over-emphasizing dairy as much as once was believed. However, the key is balance and I still believe that 2 servings of non fat dairy (for those who choose dairy) is beneficial in a "plant-based" diet.
So, what else should you do? Bulk up the diet in plant-based protein and if you need a little help in reducing risk for disease or trying to find that right balance with your training routine, send me an email. I promise, a few dietary "life-changers" in terms of performance and health are not as complicated as you may think. Understanding that the importance is on what you CAN have and not what you CAN'T have, I don't believe in placing any of my athletes on prescribed diets. I read research with an open-mind and I believe in applying practices to "real-world" settings.
Thus...I leave you with my nutrient-dense salad filled with yumminess and a satisfied belly.
Nutrient dense salad
Sunflower seeds
1/2 avocado
Green peppers
A few easy dressings:
(Nutrition Action Healthletter, Oct 2009 pg 7)
Balsamic Vinaigrette:
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp fresh thyme (optional)
1 tbs dark brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Creamy citrus
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1 clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup mayo (recommend light)
1/3 cup (pure) canola oil (or your choice of heart healthy oil)
Sesame ginger
1 tbs sesame seeds
2 tbs reduced sodium soy sauce
1 tbs rice wine vinegar or cider vinegar
1 tbs minced ginger
1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 tbs toasted sesame oil
1/3 cup (pure) canola oil (or your choice of heart healthy oil)