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15 tips for easing into training/exercise

Whether you are a competitive athlete of fitness enthusiast, or going from couch to exerciser, it's important to ease yourself into any type of exercise/training regime. While you may feel extremely motivated to whip yourself into great shape, too much too soon can lead to injury, health issues or burnout.

No matter what level fitness you were before you gave yourself a break from exercise/training, remind yourself that you can't just restart where you left off.  It's important to put your ego aside as you keep these tips in mind to ensure a safe and sustainable exercise routine.
  1. Don't expect too much of yourself. 
  2. Be kind to yourself. 
  3. Don't look for quick results. 
  4. Focus on the process - consistency and frequency. 
  5. Don't neglect lifestyle habits. 
  6. Create realistic, attainable short term goals. 
  7. Stick to a schedule that works for you right now in your life. 
  8. Keep it simple.
  9. Stretch your comfort zone, don't jump out of it. 
  10. Incorporate cardio, strength and mobility training. 
  11. Don't neglect recovery/rest. 
  12. Be conscious of your technique and movement patterns. 
  13. Listen to your body. 
  14. Know your limits. 
  15. Keep it fun. 
For athletes, you may find that you are unable to easily do things that you used to do before. You may feel out of shape and frustrated with your body. This discouragement may cause you to skip steps and rush the process. Don't compare yourself to the person you were before. Focus on where you are now and take it one day at a time.