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Body Positive Resolutions

Becoming more body positive is a necessary step in developing better physical, mental and emotional health. A positive body image ensures proper nutrition and fueling to support the intentional training stress that you place on your body. To move closer to your athletic goals and dreams, you must recognize that all bodies are normal bodies.

In 2022, I challenge you to unlearn the messages from decades of social conditioning that only certain bodies are worth acceptance, love, happiness, success and praise. The media has created a narrow, unrealistic and inaccurate definition of healthy, athletic and beautiful. You deserve to embrace your body no matter your size, shape or appearance. We live in a world that constantly tries to tell us that our body is wrong and needs to be fixed, but just think how inspiring, empowering and encouraging our society would be if we celebrated body diversity!

You may not love your body today but you can accept it and appreciate all that it does for you.