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In memory of Madison

9/19/2009 - 10/10/2024

Madison passed away peacefully with the help of Dr. Haueisen at the Pointsett Animal Hospital on October 10th, 2024 around 2:20pm. Madison will now join her best friend Campy, who passed away 87 days ago - exactly 12 weeks to the day. 

Madison battled Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) for the past 2.5 years. In Feb 2022, Madison received a double lung tap as a last resort to saving her life after a 5-day battle with her failing heart and lungs. Although she surived the procedure, the vet didn't think she would make it more than 6 months. 

With the help of medications, frequent vet visits and a lot of love, Madison proved everyone wrong and lived another 2 years and 8 months. She always had a strong will to live as her number one priority in life was to show us love and compassion. 

The story of Madison.
In the summer of 2009, Madison was found by Campy in the bushes of our apartment complex in Jacksonville Florida. After several months of seeing her outside, she followed me and Campy up three flights of stairs and we officially welcomed her to our family. We don't know the official age of Madison but we think she is between 16.5-17.5years old. Madison was always a lover, not a fighter. From the very first day in our house, she never wanted to be a bother. She was incredibly grateful that she had a home but most of all, a family to call her own. Smudla did not care for Madison but Madison never fought back to Smudlas hisses and "love" taps. Madison constantly tried to be friends with Smudla but instead, she got a best friend in Campy. For all of Madison's 15+ years with us, Campy and Madison had a very special bond. Wherever Campy went, Madison followed. They were inseparable. 

We believe that Madison held on over the past year to make sure that she could help us through the grieving process of losing Campy. Even if her heart was hurting from losing her best friend, we believe she knew that we needed her more than ever before. After Campy passed away on July 18th, it was only two months later when Madison's health started to decline. It was 12 weeks to the day when Campy passed away that we needed to say good bye to Madison. Madison was a fighter and she was so incredibly strong and stubborn. 

Whereas Campy was the glue to our family, Madison was the adhesive tape. She made sure there was also routine, order and no hostility. Madison's goal in life was to give Karel and me unconditional love on a daily basis. When Smudla started to decline due to her kidney failure, Madison was there to watch over Smudla. Madison was so happy to finally take on the roll of caregiver for Smudla. Madison did the same for Campy. 

Madison was our constant companion. Where there was a lap, there was a way on to it. She hated being held but she showed her love by being next to us or on us. As annoying as it was sometimes to have Madison on our lap while working on the computer, it was something that we never took for granted. Not every cat is a lap cat but Madison took her title very seriously. She was very stubborn and no matter how many times we politely scooted her away because we were working, she worked her way back on (or by) our lap. If you received an email from me over the past 10 years, there's a good change Madison was on my lap when I wrote that email. 

Madison wasn't a playful cat. She was very scared of people for most of her life. It wasn't until kitten Ella came along that Madison started to show her bravery around strangers. A few cats later, Madison had no fears. She took her role as "momma Maddy" very seriously. With each new cat, there was a strong hiss to show them who is the boss of the house. Very quickly, Madison was in charge. 

Madison was a creature of habit. She would only eat from her food bowl and would never try to steal food from anyone else. If another cat started to eat her food, Madison would look at us for help as she didn't like confrontation. Madison loved Rotisserie chicken (just like Campy) and she loved fish. For several years, Madison would sleep with us on the corner of our bed (on my side) on her favorite purple blanket (which used to be my dad's when he was battling cancer). When we woke up in the morning, she would be purring by our heads (on a pillow) as a way of guarding us to that the other cats wouldn't wake us up. She always looked after me and Karel. 

Madison loved to drink from the bathroom sink. She learned this from her predecessor Smudla. Every morning as Karel would walk to the downstairs bathroom, Madison would quickly follow him for supervision. She loved this routine - and so did Karel. 

Madison and I would have conversations every day. I would talk to Madison and she would answer in her meows. We would talk for several minutes. She had a strong purr to go along with her soft demeanor. Madison let us welcome in 4 new cats over the past five years.

Ella was the first to come into our family. Although Ella and Madison had a good friendship, as Ella entered her "teenage" year at the age of 2, she had a bit too much energy for senior Madison (~13-14 years old). Madison tolerated Ella and didn't mind the occassional cuddles. 

Sweet Sylvi came into our life in 2020 and he was a great addition to our family. Found by us on the Swamp Rabbit Trail around the age of 12-16 weeks old, Ella finally had a playmate. But Sylvi has a sensitive and loving personality, which was perfect for Madison. 

And then came Asher in 2021. Found on the side of the highway at 2 weeks old, Asher grew into a strong, confident cat with little gratitude for being "rescued." In his mind, he was born in this house and every cat has it this good. Asher's best quality was cleaning Madison. She loved it. Until Asher decided that cleaning time needed to turn into playing time - and Madison had none of it. Despite Asher getting most of the hisses and whacks in the house, Asher created a very strong bond with Madison over the past few months. We can tell he is grieving the loss of Madison as he is hiding, sleeping on her favorite patio blanket and not acting like himself. 

In April 2025, Mia was the last to be rescued. Madison taught Mia the rules of the house very quickly and although it wasn't the smoothest introduction, Madison tolerated Mia for the six months, since she came into our family. Most of all, Madison looked after Campy and Ella to make sure that Mia didn't mess with either of them. I guess Madison assumed Slyvi and Asher could take care of themselves. 

Madison was a great cat. She had the best "aero tuck" and loved folding herself into the most perfect cinnamon roll when she slept. She never tried to escape from our house or try to run away. She lived in 3 different homes with us prior to spending her last nine years in our current home. She loved napping in the patio, especially on a warm day. We let her chew on the grass outside every now and then as it was one of her favorite things to do. Madison loved blankets and loved to be warm. She loved the sun and the fireplace.  

Most of all, Madison loved me and Karel and we loved her so much. 
Losing our two seniors so close to one another is tremendously difficult. Because we are still grieving the loss of Campy, we feel even more empty without Madison. 

Madison was such a strong and resilient cat. She fought so hard to stay with us for as long as she could. Madison beat the odds. From surviving months outside of our apartment as a young cat to fighting her heart/lung/kidney condition as a senior. 

It hurts knowing that we are closing the chapter of our life with Smudla, Campy and Madison. Our first three furry kids. There's no one to remind us of our six years in Jacksonville, Florida and the past nine years in Greenville, SC. 

We will never forget her love and the memories we made over the past 15+ years.  I'm struggling to find the words to accurately describe how special Madison was to us as she was an incredibly loyal, loving and special cat. It also hurts knowing that Madison was our remaining reminder of Campy and now she is gone. Putting together this tribute for Madison was very difficult as it was the first time I looked at pictures of Campy since he passed away in July. Campy was my soul dog and I'm still struggling with his loss and companionship. 

To help ease our pain, we hope that Madison and Campy are restored to good health, are reunited with one another and can finally be together again.