Here are a few strategies to help you stay well during uncertain times:
To offer some help during this time, my amazing friend Dr. Gloria Petruzzelli, Licensed Clinical & Sport Psychologist will be joining me LIVE on Facebook (at Trimarni Coaching and Nutrition) at 2:30pm EST/11:30am PST today, Wednesday 3/25 to discuss the following:
-Reducing the stigma towards mental illnesses.
-How to work through uncomfortable feelings and emotions (depression, anxiety, fear, worry, loss) without judgement.
-How to live/function in a time of uncertainty.
-Recognizing that "athlete self-identity" is separate from who you are as a human being.
-Identifying your unique qualities, strengths and traits to help you thrive.
-Redefining your purpose of life.
-Limiting social media but recognizing the need to keep authentic connections.
-Healthy coping mechanisms during stressful times.
- Take care of your body. Focus on nutritious meals and snacks, eat every 2-3 hours, schedule your workouts into your daily to-do list, get restful sleep and choose healthy coping mechanisms (not alcohol, drugs, pain killers, etc.)
- Breathe. If you find yourself stressed and overwhelmed, stop what you are doing and take deep breaths for a few minutes. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down ad relax, which then sends the same message to the rest of your body.
- Manage your expectations. You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to do it all and you don't have to be more (or just as) productive than your old (normal) routine. Be kind to yourself and set realistic standards for yourself during this temporary time in your life.
- Manage your thoughts. If your mind is running a mile a minute with thoughts, put those thoughts on paper. Distinguish between unproductive worry, things within your control and problem-solving.
- Take breaks. With more time at home or more stress at the office/work, give yourself breaks. Every hour or two, stop what you are doing and move, rest, breathe or do something different. Use this time to clear your mind, laugh, refocus or find gratitude in your current situation.
- Media/Social media distancing. Be mindful of how much time/energy you are spending on your phone, watching TV or reading articles. Limit yourself to only a few minutes a day to read the "news" and use reputable sources.
- Connect, have fun and unwind. You are allowed to laugh. You can makes jokes. Smile. It's ok to enjoy yourself during this time. Life is still going on and we want you to continue to live it. Make time to unwind and do activities that you enjoy. Connect with people on the phone, Skype, Facetime or chat groups.
- Keep a routine. Although some things may have changed, having a routine is important for your physical and mental health. Try to preserve some normalicy in your day as this will help your overall mood and well-being.
To offer some help during this time, my amazing friend Dr. Gloria Petruzzelli, Licensed Clinical & Sport Psychologist will be joining me LIVE on Facebook (at Trimarni Coaching and Nutrition) at 2:30pm EST/11:30am PST today, Wednesday 3/25 to discuss the following:
-Reducing the stigma towards mental illnesses.
-How to work through uncomfortable feelings and emotions (depression, anxiety, fear, worry, loss) without judgement.
-How to live/function in a time of uncertainty.
-Recognizing that "athlete self-identity" is separate from who you are as a human being.
-Identifying your unique qualities, strengths and traits to help you thrive.
-Redefining your purpose of life.
-Limiting social media but recognizing the need to keep authentic connections.
-Healthy coping mechanisms during stressful times.