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Eating healthy while working from home

For those who are used to working in an office, it can be a big struggle to transition to a "work from home" environment. With so many interruptions, the biggest WFH (work-from-home) distraction guessed it.....the refrigerator.

As it relates to nutrition, when you work in an office away from home, there's the need to plan ahead as to what, when and where you will be eat. While this lifestyle skill is still a work in progress for many, bringing your lunch (and snacks) to work helps you control what you are eating.

At home, you may find yourself mindlessly snacking or forgetting to eat all together. To help you eat healthy while working from home, here are a few tips:

  • Meal prep - Even when your office is (now) in your home, meal prep is a must. Making a meal from scratch - and when you are hungry - can take up a lot of time, cause you to lose momentum during a work project/emails and force you to resort to quick and not-so-nutritous options. With a bit more flexibility with your meals, prep food in advance so that you either have your lunch meal ready to go or you have stuff to throw together for a balanced meal. Don't forget to plan for and prep nutritious and satisfying snacks to keep you from grazing on processed food throughout the afternoon.
  • Set a schedule - Set your day like any other day - plan your workout, breakfast, when you will stop to eat lunch and a few small recharge breaks. While it's good to stick to a schedule, understand that things may not always go as planned and sometimes you have to adjust your schedule. Approach each day with an open mind and flexibility. But most of all, have a plan.
  • Eat away from your desk/office - Having a total break from work can help you clear your mind and refocus. It also allows you to eat more mindfully. Resist the temptation to keep working as you eat in order to save time. Give your day structure by stepping away from the computer/desk in order to eat.
  • Stay hydrated - With less distractions and a bathroom nearby, you may find yourself overly hydrated on caffeine. Limit yourself to only a cup or two between 9-11am and be sure to keep a water bottle nearby - filled with water to keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day. The bottle of water can also help you avoid unncessary snacking when you aren't truly in need of food.
  • Do a check-in - It's important to snack between meals but not overdo it when you find yourself bored, emotional or stressed. Before you grab an unplanned snack, check in with yourself. Are you eating because you are biologically hungry and need to eat to satsify hunger or because you are bored, lonely or stressed?
  • Journal - With a temporary new normal, don't be so hard on yourself. During the first few weeks of working from home, keep track of your mood, hunger signals, energy levels and productivity. See if you can notice any patterns related to your food choices. Give yourself permission to learn from each day, without feeling like your eating habits are pass or fail.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
-Charles Darwin

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