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Do you have a behavior change mindset?

Think back to a time when you reached a goal. You likely experienced a great amount of attention, respect and recognition. There's nothing inherently wrong with the satisfaction you feel when you reach a goal, but being too focused on a specific outcome ruins the possibility of a different result. Anything less than reaching the goal may be considered a failure. Here lies the problem in goal setting.
The focus is on the outcome, not on the process.

Behavior change is hard. No matter how strongly you are motivated to reach a goal, creating a new system - or breaking a bad one - can be extremely difficult.

Shifting your focus away from an outcome and to your behaviors will allow you to get more out of the process - regardless if you achieve your goal. With a behavior change mindset, great satisfaction comes from the present moment. And when you are in the present moment, you can observe what behaviors you actually need to change.

According to the Four Classes of Human Experience, there are four different classes to categorize experiences (or behaviors).

A Class One Experience is something that feels good, is good for you, is good for others and serves the greater good.

Class Two is something that does not feel good, is good for you, is good for others and serves the greater good.

Class Three is something that feels good, is not good for you, is not good for others and does not serve the greater good.

Class Four is something that does not feel good, is not good for you, is not good for others and does not serve the greater good.

When you think about the behaviors that you want to change, what class do they fall into? Likely class three or four. 

By addressing your class three and four behaviors, you can move closer to class two and eventually to class one. Changing your lifestyle requires that you address behaviors that are not serving you well. As you move to class two, this is where the real change happens. You recognize that your new behaviors are uncomfortable, difficult and a bit foreign, but they are good for you and they serve you well.

A quality life isn't a goal. You shouldn't be driven to change just for an outcome. Life is what you make of it....every single day.

Change is a process, not an event.

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